Frantsuz abattre nima?, Frantsuz - Ingliz tili lug'at abattre bu nima degani?
abattre [abatʀ]
➭ TABLE 41
1. transitive verb
a. [+ maison, mur] to pull down ; [+ arbre] to cut down ; [+ avion] to shoot down ; [+ adversaire] to bring down
• abattre du travail to get through a lot of work
b. ( = tuer) [+ personne, animal] to shoot ; [+ animal de boucherie] to slaughter
• c\'est l\'homme à abattre he\'s the one that needs to be got rid of
c. ( = épuiser) to weaken ; [mauvaise nouvelle, échec] to demoralize
• ne te laisse pas abattre don\'t let things get you down
d. [+ carte] to lay down
• abattre son jeu or ses cartes to lay one\'s cards on the table
2. reflexive verb
► s\'abattre [pluie] to beat down ; [ennemi, oiseau de proie] to swoop down ; [coups] to rain down
* * *
verbe transitif
1) (tuer) to slaughter [animal de boucherie]; to destroy [animal dangereux]; (avec une arme à feu) to shoot [somebody] down [personne]; to shoot [animal]
l\'homme à abattre — the prime target; fig the one to beat
2) (faire tomber) to pull down [bâtiment]; to knock down [mur]; to bring down [statue]; to shoot down [avion]; [personne] to fell [arbre]; [tempête] to bring down [arbre, pylône]
3) (découvrir) to show [carte, jeu]
abattre ses cartes or son jeu — lit, fig to put one\'s cards on the table
4) (accabler) (physiquement) to wear [somebody] out; (moralement) to demoralize
on ne va pas se laisser abattre! — we\'re not going to let things get us down!
5) (accomplir) to get through [travail]
s\'abattre verbe pronominal
s\'abattre sur — [orage] to beat down on; [oiseau] to swoop down on; [malheur] to descend upon
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abatʀ vt
1) [arbre] [bûcheron] to cut down, to fell, [tempête] to bring down
2) [mur, maison] to pull down
3) [avion, personne] to shoot down
4) [bétail] to slaughter, [animal malade] to destroy, to put down, [animal sauvage] to shoot
5) fig (physiquement) to wear out, to tire out
6) (fig) (moralement) to demoralize
ne pas se laisser abattre — not to let things get one down
Il ne faut pas se laisser abattre! — Don\'t let it get you down!
7) (autres locutions)
abattre ses cartes — to lay one\'s cards on the table
abattre du travail; abattre de la besogne — to get through a lot of work
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abattre verb table: battre
A vtr
1 (tuer) to slaughter [animal de boucherie]; to destroy [animal dangereux]; (avec une arme à feu) to shoot [sb] down [personne]; to shoot [animal]; c\'est l\'homme à abattre he is the prime target; fig he is the one to beat;
2 (renverser) to bring [sth/sb] down [tyran, régime];
3 (faire tomber) to pull down [bâtiment]; to knock down [mur, paroi]; to bring down [statue]; to shoot down [avion]; to break down [tabou, préjugé]; [personne] to fell [arbre]; [tempête] to bring down [arbre, pylône]; [pluie] to settle [poussière];
4 (découvrir) to show [carte, jeu]; abattre ses cartes or son jeu lit, fig to put one\'s cards on the table;
5 (accabler) (physiquement) to wear [sb] out; (moralement) to demoralize, to get [sb] down○; être abattu (physiquement) to be worn out; (moralement) to be demoralized; on ne va pas se laisser abattre! we\'re not going to let things get us down!; ne te laisse pas abattre keep your spirits up!;
6 (accomplir) to get through [travail]; abattre de la besogne to get through a lot of work.
B s\'abattre vpr
1 [arbre, construction, rocher] to come down; [avion] to crash; [personne] to collapse;
2 (agresser) s\'abattre sur [orage] to beat down on; [oiseau] to swoop down on; [léopard] to pounce on; [guerre] to engulf; [malheur] to descend upon.
[abatr] verbe transitif
1. [faire tomber - arbre] to cut down (separable), to fell ; [ - mur] to pull ou to knock down (separable) ; [ - quille] to knock down (separable)
abattre de la besogne ou du travail (familier & figuré) to get through a lot of work
2. [suj: vent, tempête etc] to knock down (separable)
l\'arbre fut abattu par le vent the tree was blown down
3. [mettre à plat - main, battant] to bring down (separable)
abattre ses cartes ou son jeu
{{ind}}a. (sens propre) to lay down one\'s cards
{{ind}}b. (figuré) to lay one\'s cards on the table, to show one\'s hand
4. [faire retomber - blé, poussière] to settle ; [ - vent] to bring down (separable)
5. [tuer - personne] to shoot (down) ; [ - avion] to shoot ou to bring down (separable) ; [ - lièvre] to shoot ; [ - perdrix] to shoot, to bring down (separable) ; [ - animal domestique] to put down (separable) ; [ - animal de boucherie] to slaughter
6. [démoraliser] to shatter
[épuiser] to drain, to wear out (separable)
la défaite l\'a complètement abattu [moralement] the defeat completely crushed him
ne nous laissons pas abattre let\'s not let things get us down
s\'abattre verbe pronominal intransitif
[s\'écrouler - maison] to fall down ; [ - personne] to fall (down), to collapse
l\'arbre s\'est abattu the tree came crashing down
s\'abattre sur verbe pronominal plus préposition
1. [pluie] to come pouring down on
[grêle] to come pelting ou beating down on
[coups] to rain down on
le malheur/la maladie venait de s\'abattre sur nous suddenly we\'d been struck by disaster/disease
2. [se jeter sur] to swoop down on
bring down, butcher, chop, cut down, fell, hew
Frantsuz - Ingliz tili lug'atida Frantsuz abattre so'zining Ingliz tili ma'nosi nima? Frantsuz tili bo'limidagi abattre so'zi Ingliz tili tilidagi ma'noni yuqoridan o'qingiz mumkin. abattre boshqa tillarda ma'noni quyidagidan topishingiz mumkin.
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