Frantsuz abattement nima?, Frantsuz - Ingliz tili lug'at abattement bu nima degani?
abattement [abatmɑ̃]
masculine noun
a. ( = rabais) reduction ; (fiscal) tax allowance
b. ( = dépression) dejection
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nom masculin
1) (dépressif) despondency
2) (réduction) gén reduction; (pour impôt) allowance
Phrasal Verbs:
- abattement fiscal
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abatmɑ̃ nm
1) (moral) dejection, despondency
2) (physique) exhaustion
3) (= déduction)
abattement fiscal — tax allowance
abattement forfaitaire — tax allowance
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abattement nm
1 (état dépressif) despondency; être plongé dans un abattement profond to be deeply despondent;
2 (réduction) gén reduction; Fisc allowance.
abattement fiscal tax allowance GB ou deduction US.
[abatmɑ̃] nom masculin
1. [épuisement - physique] exhaustion ; [ - moral] despondency, dejection
2. [rabais] reduction
abattement (fiscal) tax allowance
Frantsuz - Ingliz tili lug'atida Frantsuz abattement so'zining Ingliz tili ma'nosi nima? Frantsuz tili bo'limidagi abattement so'zi Ingliz tili tilidagi ma'noni yuqoridan o'qingiz mumkin. abattement boshqa tillarda ma'noni quyidagidan topishingiz mumkin.
Frantsuz - Ingliz tili луғатида Frantsuz abattement сўзининг Ingliz tili маъноси нима? Frantsuz тили бўлимидаги abattement сўзи Ingliz tili тилидаги маънони юқоридан ўқингиз мумкин. abattement бошқа тилларда маънони қуйидагидан топишингиз мумкин.
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