Frantsuz abandonner nima?, Frantsuz - Ingliz tili lug'at abandonner bu nima degani?
abandonner [abɑ̃dɔne]
1. transitive verb
a. ( = délaisser) to abandon
• ses forces l\'abandonnèrent his strength failed him
• je t\'abandonne (en prenant congé) I\'m off
• le soldat a abandonné son poste the soldier deserted his post
• abandonner qn à to leave sb to
• abandonner qn à son (triste) sort to leave sb to their fate
b. ( = renoncer à) to abandon ; [+ matière] to drop ; [+ droit, privilège] to give up
• le joueur a dû abandonner the player had to retire
• abandonner le pouvoir to give up power
• abandonner la partie to give up the fight
• abandonner les poursuites to drop the charges
• j\'abandonne ! I give up!
c. (Computing) to abort
2. reflexive verb
► s\'abandonner
• elle s\'abandonna dans mes bras she sank into my arms► s\'abandonner à [+ passion, joie, débauche] to give o.s. up to ; [+ paresse, désespoir] to give way to
• s\'abandonner à la rêverie to slip into daydreams
* * *
verbe transitif
1) (renoncer à) gén to give up; (à l\'école) to drop [matière]
abandonner les recherches — to give up the search
je peignais, mais j\'ai abandonné — I used to paint, but I gave it up
abandonner la partie or lutte — lit, fig to throw in the towel
2) (céder) to give [bien] (à quelqu\'un to somebody); to hand [something] over [gestion] (à quelqu\'un to somebody)
3) (se retirer de) to give up [fonction, études]; Sport (avant l\'épreuve) to withdraw; (pendant l\'épreuve) to retire
abandonner la course — to withdraw from the race
4) (quitter) to leave [personne, lieu]; to abandon [véhicule, objet, navire]
abandonner Paris pour Nice — to leave Paris for Nice
5) (délaisser) to abandon [enfant, famille, animal]; to desert [foyer, épouse, poste, cause]
6) (livrer)
abandonner quelque chose à — to leave ou abandon something to
abandonner quelqu\'un à son sort — to leave ou abandon somebody to his/her fate
7) (faire défaut) [courage, chance] to desert [personne]
mes forces m\'abandonnent — my strength is failing me
8) (lâcher) to let go of [outil, rênes]
9) Informatique to abort
s\'abandonner verbe pronominal
1) (se confier) to let oneself go
2) (se détendre) to let oneself go
s\'abandonner dans les bras de quelqu\'un — to sink into somebody\'s arms
3) (se laisser aller)
s\'abandonner au désespoir — to give in to despair
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1. vt
1) (laisser seul) [époux, enfant] to abandon, to desert, [animal domestique] to abandon
Avant les vacances, beaucoup de chiens sont abandonnés par leurs maîtres. — Before the holidays, a lot of dogs are abandoned by their owners.
abandonner qn à son sort — to abandon sb to their fate, to leave sb to their fate
2) (= quitter) [maison, patrie] to leave, to leave behind
Ils ont dû abandonner tous leurs biens. — They had to leave all their possessions behind.
3) (ne pas poursuivre) [activité] to give up, [projet] to abandon
J\'ai décidé d\'abandonner la natation. — I\'ve decided to give up swimming.
4) [fonctions] to give up
abandonner son poste [officier, soldat] — to desert one\'s post
5) SPORT, [course, match] to retire from
6) (= céder) [avantages, positions] to surrender, to relinquish
abandonner qch à qn — to give sth up to sb
2. vi
(par découragement) to give up
Ah non, là j\'abandonne! — Oh no, I give up!
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abandonner verb table: aimer
A vtr
1 (renoncer à) to abandon, to give up [projet, théorie, activité, espoir]; to give up [habitude]; to give up, to forsake sout [confort, sécurité]; Scol to drop [matière]; abandonner les recherches to give up the search; abandonner la cigarette/l\'alcool to give up smoking/drinking; les médecins l\'ont abandonné the doctors have given up on him; je peignais, mais j\'ai abandonné I used to paint, but I gave it up; c\'est trop dur, j\'abandonne it\'s too hard, I give up; abandonner la partie or lutte to throw in the towel;
2 (céder) to give ou relinquish sout [bien] (à qn to sb); to hand [sth] over [gestion] (à qn to sb); je vous abandonne le soin d\'expliquer I\'m leaving it to you to explain; elle lui abandonna sa main she let him take her hand;
3 (se retirer de) to give up [fonction]; Sport (avant l\'épreuve) to withdraw; (pendant l\'épreuve) to retire; forcé d\'abandonner la course forced to withdraw from the race; abandonner ses études to give up one\'s studies;
4 (quitter) to leave [personne, lieu]; to abandon [véhicule, objet, navire]; abandonner Paris pour Nice to leave Paris for Nice; il s\'enfuit, abandonnant son butin he abandoned the loot and fled; abandonner la ville pour la campagne to move out of town to live in the country; abandonner le terrain lit to flee; fig to give up;
5 (délaisser) to abandon, to forsake sout [enfant, famille]; to abandon [animal]; to desert [foyer, épouse, poste, cause, parti];
6 (livrer) abandonner qch à to leave ou abandon sth to; abandonner un jardin aux orties to abandon a garden to the nettles; abandonner qn à son sort to leave ou abandon sb to his/her fate;
7 (faire défaut) [courage, chance] to desert [personne]; mes forces m\'abandonnent my strength is failing me;
8 (lâcher) to let go of [outil, rênes];
9 Ordinat to abort.
B s\'abandonner vpr
1 (se confier) to let oneself go;
2 (se détendre) to let oneself go; s\'abandonner dans les bras de qn to sink into sb\'s arms;
3 (se laisser aller) s\'abandonner à la passion/au désespoir to give oneself up ou to abandon oneself to passion/to despair; s\'abandonner au plaisir de to lose oneself in the pleasure of; s\'abandonner au sommeil to let oneself drift off to sleep;
4 (se donner sexuellement) [femme] to give oneself (à to).
[abɑ̃dɔne] verbe transitif
1. [quitter - enfant, chien] to abandon ; [ - épouse] to leave, to desert ; [ - lieu] to abandon, to leave ; [ - poste] to desert, to abandon
abandonné de tous forsaken by all
2. [faire défaut à] to fail, to desert, to forsake
mes forces m\'abandonnent (littéraire) my strength is failing me
3. [renoncer à - projet, principe] to discard, to abandon ; [ - hypothèse] to abandon ; [ - course] to drop out of ; [ - études] to give up ; [ - carrière] to give up, to leave ; [ - droit, privilège] to relinquish, to renounce
abandonner le pouvoir to leave ou to retire from ou to give up office
elle abandonne la géographie she\'s dropping geography
abandonner la partie
{{ind}}a. (sens propre) to give up
{{ind}}b. (figuré) to throw in the sponge ou towel
4. [livrer]
abandonner quelqu\'un à to leave ou to abandon somebody to
il vous a abandonné à votre triste sort he\'s left you to your unhappy fate (sens propre & humoristique)
5. (en usage absolu) [dans une lutte, une discussion] to give up
il ne comprendra jamais, j\'abandonne he\'ll never understand, I give up
s\'abandonner verbe pronominal intransitif
1. [se laisser aller] to let (oneself) go
elle s\'abandonna dans ses bras she surrendered herself to him
2. [s\'épancher] to open one\'s heart
s\'abandonner à verbe pronominal plus préposition
[désespoir] to give way to
[rêverie] to drift off into
[plaisirs] to give oneself up to
abandon, desert, ditch, forsake, quit, waive
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