
Turkcha kim nima?, Turkcha - Ingliz tili lug'at kim bu nima degani?

interj. who
pron. who
* * *
1. who
2. whom

\"who; whoever\"

1. who. 2. whoever. -in arabasına binerse onun türküsünü çağırır. colloq. He´s a self-seeking sycophant. ... kim, ... kim. shows a woeful lack of something: O kim, dürüstlük kim. He doesn´t have an honest bone in his body. O kim, öğretmenlik kim. He doesn´t know the first thing about teaching. - kime, dum duma. colloq. It´s so chaotic that nobody notices/cares what anybody else is doing. -i kimsesi /ın/ relatives. -e ne? What does it matter to anyone? -e niyet, kime kısmet. colloq. The person for whom something is intended may not always be the person who gets it in the end. - o? Who´s there?/Who is it? - olursa olsun. It doesn´t matter who he is!/There´ll be no exceptions! - oluyor! Just who does he think he is? - vurduya gitmek to be killed or wounded (in a brawl, riot, shoot-out) by an unknown hand.

[T kim, Az kim, Tk kim, from OT *kim] : who

adl. who; whoever kim bilir who knows Kim o Who is it?

Turkcha - Ingliz tili lug'atida Turkcha kim so'zining Ingliz tili ma'nosi nima? Turkcha tili bo'limidagi kim so'zi Ingliz tili tilidagi ma'noni yuqoridan o'qingiz mumkin. kim boshqa tillarda ma'noni quyidagidan topishingiz mumkin.

Turkcha - Ingliz tili луғатида Turkcha kim сўзининг Ingliz tili маъноси нима? Turkcha тили бўлимидаги kim сўзи Ingliz tili тилидаги маънони юқоридан ўқингиз мумкин. kim бошқа тилларда маънони қуйидагидан топишингиз мумкин.

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