
Turkcha buyurmak nima?, Turkcha - Ingliz tili lug'at buyurmak bu nima degani?

v. order, command, come, decree, help oneself to, ordain, please, prescribe, will

\"to command, to order, to decree, to enjoin; to come, to enter; to have, to eat, to drink; to say, to utter\"

\"1. /a, ı/ to command (someone) to (do something), order (someone) to (do something). 2. /ı/ to require one to, entail. 3. /ı/ to say (used either jocularly or in very polite speech). 4. /a/ to go into; to come into (used in very polite speech). 5. /ı/ to take; to have (used in very polite speech): Çayınızı buyurunuz! Here is your tea. Meyve buyurmaz mısınız? Won´t you have some fruit? 6. used instead of etmek in compound verbs in very formal speech: Cumhurbaşkanı beni kabul buyurdular. The president received me. Buyur? Would you mind repeating that?/I beg your pardon? Buyurun./Buyurunuz. 1. Please come in! 2. Please sit down! 3. Please help yourself!/Please have some! Buyurun cenaze namazına! We´ve had it! (said when faced with an unexpected and unpleasant situation). \"

e. to command, to order, to decree, to enjoin; to come, to enter; to have, to eat, to drink; to say, to utter buyur a) there you are b) come again kon., pardon, pardon me Aİ., excuse me Aİ. Buyurun a) Here you are b) help yourself

Turkcha - Ingliz tili lug'atida Turkcha buyurmak so'zining Ingliz tili ma'nosi nima? Turkcha tili bo'limidagi buyurmak so'zi Ingliz tili tilidagi ma'noni yuqoridan o'qingiz mumkin. buyurmak boshqa tillarda ma'noni quyidagidan topishingiz mumkin.

Turkcha - Ingliz tili луғатида Turkcha buyurmak сўзининг Ingliz tili маъноси нима? Turkcha тили бўлимидаги buyurmak сўзи Ingliz tili тилидаги маънони юқоридан ўқингиз мумкин. buyurmak бошқа тилларда маънони қуйидагидан топишингиз мумкин.

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